Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Need to Catch a Break and Make Good Decisions

Hive Report for Wednesday Feb.13th

Last Friday I woke up late, should have been up at 7am.  My plan was to be ready by 8am to go to Black's and feed the bees.  It would take about 45 min including travel time.  I get up at 8am, throw my clothes on, brush my teeth, prepare the sugar syrup and stuck the cell phone in my back pocket of my jeans.  I also run for a courier company and I was supposed to be first out that day.  So i was going to be quick so i didn't get caught in the opposite direction of Charlotte.  I get to Black's and get the syrup on and hear the phone 'ding'.  huh oh!  It was my dispatch trying to contact me.  He had been trying for the past 30 min-Yikes!  Not good.  I was listening but the phone did not ring or i didn't hear it.  There is no excuses in courier world-just be there get it done.  My husband also had been trying to reach me, he had gotten panicked "Where were you...blah blah"  My dispatch had a lot more to say but i had to take the lickin'.  My phone had actually rang but i did not hear it while it was in my back pocket.  

Actual hive report:  The bees at Black's were looking good.  It was cold so i couldn't really inspect,  but saw them.
In a couple of weeks we will be moving these hives across the street.  I am hoping this move will enable these bees to produce lots of honey.

Extra report on tree cutting.

When I got home (cause i didn't get the run) my nephew Craig came to cut down trees.  We wanted to have more sunlight in the back yard for the garden.  it was quite spectacular to see how they cut the trees down.  He is an arborist and knows what he is doing.  Here is a video and a picture of a bloom.  

The honeybees were all over it.

In hind sight I should have changed my plan to feed bees on Saturday   I let a friend who is my boss down.  Will definitely do better next time.  

Cynthia Robinson, The Beekeeper On Duty 
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @BeekeeperOnDuty

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