Friday, January 4, 2013

How To Become A Better Beekeeper

 You ask any beekeeper that has been keeping honeybees for a while and they will tell you "You never learn it all"  So if you can't learn everything, you observe, you make adjustments and keep trying.  So i said in an earlier blog I would outline what i need to do to become a better beekeeper.  So here it is:

keep the grass under control to keep out unwanted pest (spiders too)
1) Let the bees tell you what they need.  Lady Spirit Moon of the Honeybee Research Center in Asheville, NC applies this theory.  You listen to their buzz, go slow and they will carry on with their work while you do yours.

2) Listen to what other beekeepers are saying.  I share hives with Sally so I have to listen to what she says cuz making a mistake will let her down.  Making a mistake means less honey.  

3) Plan your work and work your plan.  We have over 40 hives in 7 bee yards so you have to be organized. 

4)When it is time to do critical events such as feeding, splitting, cleaning, testing for disease, pest control ...Just get it done.  Miss steps can cause you to loose a hive.

5) Stay informed with current research and be involved with local bee club.  They can help guide you to what may be happening in your neck of the woods.  Blooming dates, major pest infestations, etc.

6) Keep your bee yards clean.  Keep your hives clean, clean propolis from frames, clean hive bottoms, replace dark wax, don't use ratty looking wax (your bees deserve better) Recycle wax, propolis and pollen frames.  At MamaBeehive we will buy clean rendered wax, call for pricing 704-214-6900.
take pictures of your bees and examine them for disease

These are just the highlights.  I will keep you informed of some until then remember Beekeeping is Fun!
January Newsletter
Lake Wylie Apiary

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