Monday, January 21, 2013

What We Do Outside The Apiary

Hive Report for Jan 21
This past Saturday was awesome! Sadly and  I attended a Rock Hill Farmer's Event where Chef's from all over came to meet growers and farmers. 

In the beginning the event was open to the public.  We  met so many fun people that wanted our honey for purchase.  Here is the deal...Sally is a pro at these events. She does farmer markets in Rock Hill all the time in the spring and summer.  She is creative but also very regimented.  She knows her product very well (honeybees, beeswax candles and products and honey) I know honey mostly bees and honey.  So I am always trying bring to the table that element of surprise.  I suggested that we give out samples of biscuits and honey.  She loved the idea so we plan for it.

Was biscuits and honey a good idea?  We were so busy cooking biscuits and serving them with honey that it was all I could do to keep up.  I brought my honeybee costume and never had a chance to put it on till the chef's came in.  We basically ran out of honey.  Terrific right?!

I Had a blast with my honey bee costume on talking to chef's and food service people about honey.  Got some greats tips on cooking with honey.   Salad dressings, BBQ sauces, breads, on fruit ...all so good to try.  One chef gave me a great tag line "honey with all it's yuumm"

We are not done ...we had an engagement at Earthfare in Rock Hill.  It was so awesome too!  We got set up and hit the ground running.  We were making candles with young children and adults.  It was supposed to be for children and grown people came up and begged us to let them make a candle.  It was so much fun.

Overall we made a lot friends that we will never forget and i hope they never forget MamaBeehive.  Try these recipes!

We work hard at the things we can do so that we bring the best product for you and your family.

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