Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hive Report in the office

Today was a work day inside the Studio.  We worked on the complex subjects for website, wholesale, and retail sales.  

We also discussed the possibility of having a Summer beekeeping Camp for kids ages 13 and up.  We would have a 7 hour day with a break for lunch and snack.  Have to research cost and how to vet potential students.  Kind of excited about teaching students how to beekeep so that they will forever be beekeepers.

Could Amazon.com be our next great adventure for exposure?  It's not free but it is the largest online retail in the world.  there is nothing like what MamaBeehive is doing.  I believe it where we should go but it cost.

Worked on Pinterest.  It is cool and can see how we can reach out to others with our products.  And learn what others are doing with honey and beeswax.  The possibilities are endless.
i worked on the web while Sally worked on filling orders like pouring honey, pouring wax and shipping.  It was good productive day in the office.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, we will make fondant for the bees.  We have some hives that were low in stores, so they need to be monitored.  Will be out in the field on Wednesday and Thursday.

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